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Showing posts from August, 2010

Retrieve SSL certificate expiration date

There are several ways to extract the expiration date from the certificate file. Here is one of the easiest way if you have the file locally: # openssl x509 –noout –in < cert_file >  -dates [root@mysystem][/opt/certificates ]> openssl x509 -noout -in private_key -dates notBefore=Jul 14 16:23:57 2010 GMT notAfter=Jul 14 16:23:57 2012 GMT

Linux Commands

Few commands learned on SuSE Linux List version of SuSE Linux: # cat /etc/SuSE-release Restart network: # /sbin/rcnetwork restart Network config files under : /etc/sysconfig/network/ directory (ifcfg-<interface name> files) Routes in /etc/sysconfig/network/routes file Status of the Network: ifstatus <network interface name> Bring down netowork – ifdown <network interface name> Bring up network – ifup <network interface name> YaST – configuration tool for SuSE – pretty much all the system configuration can be done from this tool Generic LVM commands in Linux: List the physical disks installed: # fdisk –l Create Physical Volume (initialize physical disk for LVM) # pvcreate /dev/sdc [or any free device name] Create Volume group # vgcreate myvg /dev/sdc Create Logical Volume: # lvcreate –L 3G –n mylv myvg Display Commands # pvdisplay # vgdisplay # lvdisplay Create ext3 filesystem: # mkfs.ext3 mylv